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Campaign kickoff in South Jersey as GOP has pick up opportunity (Opinion)


The battle for control in the state legislature is going to have to pass through Camden County, Gloucester County, and a tiny part of Atlantic County. The new District 4 was redrawn and is definitely more Republican than the last map.

Senator Fred Madden decided not to run creating a scramble on the GOP side for a seat that hasn't been open in more than a decade. The new District is a battleground for the legislature as well as the Republican Party as many outsiders have decided to get involved for their own self-interest and fight the local leaders.

One of the key leaders in shaping the future of the Republican Party and certainly the 4th District is Gloucester County Chairwoman Jacci Vigilante. She is a strong advocate for her county and the community. She's also tough as nails. While her counterpart in Camden County caved to pressure from four outside politicos to endorse a new slate of candidates (after the county had made their endorsements), Jacci stood strong.

Classic GOP infighting pushed by four county chairs, more interested in their own political future than the future of the GOP and our great state, inserted themselves to bully Jacci and her counterpart in Camden.

The four-county chairs in Cumberland, Cape May, Burlington, and Monmouth are all classic insiders playing for their own self-interest instead of looking out for what's best for New Jersey. The good news is that the slate of great candidates is ready to run and win as they come from areas representing 93% of the vote in the district.

I'll be headlining an event to help them get started on Tuesday night, April 4. Nick DeSilvio is the candidate for the State Senate along with Denise Gonzalez and Michael Clark running for the Assembly. The three local leaders are ready to take their ideas on true public service and putting people over politics to Trenton.

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